Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Fairfax County Public Library called...

Yesterday somebody called from the Fairfax County Public Library, requesting an interview for a Children's Librarian position that I applied for back in December. I was turned down for two other jobs from this county because I didn't have my degree in hand, which bummed me out majorly because this is the county that I wanted to work in due to it's proximity to Ken's work in Arlington.

They wanted an interview for next Tuesday, and I entertained the idea. If I took the interview, I would have to put our house search on hold because this job is in a totally different location that would be difficult to drive to from where we were looking. It's a children's position, which I really wanted teen or both teen and children. Also, after having visiting Lovettsville, I had a really good vibe from there, that it was a place I could work well with. Putting the house search on hold and having to research this position stressed me out so I said forget it. I am fine where I'm at, and I want to move out of this hotel. If it turns out that the commute is wearing on me, I can always transfer to a more southern branch in the system, closer to my home. Our lease is only for a year, so I could always move to a different system if I want to later. Why not give this job a chance?

So now that I have made the decision, applied for a townhome, I am feeling much better. I hope we get accepted and can move in this weekend. That would be great! Then, I can report to work next Thursday!! YEA!!

So, if you plan on applying to Fairfax County, be sure that you have graduated already. Their HR analysts will toss your resume if you haven't yet, regardless if you are about to. I was less than a month away from my degree, but no go. Even the woman who called about the interview lamented that their HR people do that.

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